Is a mezzanine expensive?

Is a mezzanine expensive?

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Is a mezzanine expensive?
Everything has a cost. A mezzanine involves steel, timber, engineering & permits etc; the real question you are asking is, what is the return on investment? What’s the productivity increase? What’s the additional utilization rate that you need to get out of your warehouse, factory or offices?
Is a mezzanine expensive? Not really. If a mezzanine floor cost $60,000 and that was the cost of one employee’s wages and when you your mezzanine you were able to expand to the equivalent productivity increase as though you had two more staff, the mezzanine would be a cost effective move in the long term. You’re able to keep growing because you’ve now increased the utilization rate with the same forklift, same other accessories and the same insurance, but you’ve now got additional capacity in your operation.
Another question to ask is, what is the cost of moving? If there is an option to install a mezzanine, would this be more cost effective? This is where a space planner can really help, by evaluating what space you need to operate and how areas can be reallocated for more efficient use. The risks of not engaging the space planner are a lot higher than the cost of not, as you may make a regrettable investment which doesn’t deliver the results you were expecting.
So is a mezzanine expensive? Not if that is what your business needs to accelerate growth and it is the best solution to your problem.

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